What is Radon?
Radon-222 (“radon”) is a naturally occurring inert gas that comes from the decay of radium-226, which is widely distributed in uranium containing soils and rocks. Radon rises to the earth’s surface, and enters buildings through cracks and other foundation opening.
Radon is all over the world, and can accumulate in all types of structures: residential, commercial, educational
How does Radon get into the house?
Radon is natural radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless and tasteless. It comes from the natural decay of uranium in rock, soil and water and is found in nearly all soils. As it moves up through the ground to the air above, and creeps into your home, offices, and schools through cracks and other openings in the foundation. Radon gas decays into radioactive particles that can get trapped into your lungs every time you take a breath.
Short- and Long-Term Testing
Short-Term (3-7 days)
- Gives a “snapshot” of the radon concentrations under “worst case” conditions at the time of the sampling.
- Provides an indication of radon potential. This method is used in real estate transactions and to provide a cursory idea of the radon potential.
- Test performed under normal living conditions.
Long-Term (90-360 days)
- Determines radon levels of the building as used by its occupants.
- Determines average radon levels over longer periods of time under “normal living conditions” for the building with those occupants.
- Test requires “closed house” conditions, where building is closed except for normal entry/exit.
Download a comparison spreadsheet providing more details about both methods.

AirChek Test Kits – $16.99
Easy to Use • Accurate Test Results • Same-day Processing
$16.99 includes; Shipping (via U.S.mail). Fully Certified Analysis (approved in every state and all U.S. Territories). Your complete written report that explains what the result means, and what you may or may not need to do next.
Who is the Radon Lady?
Since 1982 Bonnie Kellogg and her staff have been hazardous materials consultants for thousands of Federal, State and Local government agencies, national telecommunications companies, world renown leaders in Silicon Valley technology and other clients as varied as parks and prisons. Her personal mission is to make you aware that radon is a serious health threat in every neighborhood in the world … even yours… and to make self-test kits available and affordable for everyone.
The Radon Lady is a public service of KELLCO, which provides a full spectrum of environmental and engineering services from preliminary investigation to final design and construction oversight. Air-Chek has graciously made radon test kits available at affordable prices.
Bonnie holds a BA in “The Languages of Science, English and Computers” from Northern Kentucky University and her MBA from St. Mary’s College. Her professional certifications include: NEHA/NRRP Measurement Provider #102253RT, California Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC 92-0182), Department of Health Services Lead Inspector, Management Planner, Project Designer (DHS IMD 762), and Registered Environmental Assessor.
Bonnie Kellogg is also the President of Two Wheel Safety Training, and the Director of Calliope Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit that enables job training for individuals whose early lives have prevented them from receiving the education necessary to pursue a livelihood.
Bonnie’s interests include motorcycling, photography, travel, fly fishing, bicycling, Pilates, weight training and walking, and making everyone around her aware of the dangers of radon.
The Radon Lady is available to speak on this important subject at your event. Call (510) 760-7207
Radon Facts & Resources
- Radon decay products produce alpha particles that are harmful to the tissue in the lungs.
- Radon is the 2nd cause of lung cancer after smoking, killing more people than drunk drivers.
- There are no safe exposure levels to radon. The EPA’s recommendation of 4.0 pCi/L as a trigger for remediation is based on technology and economics, not on safety.
- Buildings with Radon can be fixed – there are many ways of reducing the radon levels inside a building.
- The EPA recommends long-term sampling performed every 2 years after a successful remediation system has been installed.
- For more information: